Video: Todd Clever, capitano USA e “Body Issue” per il 2015…

  1. fracassosandona 8 Luglio 2015, 16:24

    nell’intervista di cui al link ci sarebbe un sacco di materiale interessante, soprattutto quando si parla di doping e salute del giocatore:

    [My coaches] still want me to put on another 10 to 15 pounds. I’m at 228 pounds now. It’s hard for me to be that size, even though I eat a lot and train a lot. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t even jump on the scale. If I’m fit enough to play that 80 minutes and feel physically ready, that should be enough.

    For me, it’s not about how big you are, it’s about how big you play.

    My body is No. 1 for me. I put a lot into it both on and off the field, making sure I get enough sleep, making sure I get enough nutrients, making sure I challenge myself in the gym and on the field so I can play at the level I want to play at. I’ve never been the biggest guy or the fastest or anything like that. The thing that has really set myself apart is the work rate — doing extras so that I’m fitter than the guy across from me.

    My biggest challenge is keeping weight on. I’ve always struggled with my legs; they’ve always been pretty skinny compared to some of the competition that I go against. Five days a week I’m eating five meals a day and snacking, I’m making those Costco runs, stocking up on salmon and chicken. I had a few years where I was just eating everything, but nothing was sticking to my bones. I was pretty scrawny.

    One of the most important things is making sure all those little muscles are tightening up. There’s those things like grabbing 2-pound dumbbells and working on your shoulder rotator cuff, or doing little exercises from your wrists or for your ankles to really build the little muscles and strengthen the ligaments. If you put that extra time in with the bands or body-weight stuff, it really does pay off.

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