Benetton: Dewaldt Duvenage nuovo capitano

Il sudafricano eredita i gradi da Alberto Sgarbi. Formato un gruppo di leadership di giovani e meno giovani

  1. aries 16 Settembre 2020, 16:31

    Complimenti e in bocca al lupo!

  2. Camoto 16 Settembre 2020, 17:20

    Componenti a Duvenage. Ma anche al gruppo leadership, con Garbisi già coinvolto.

    • massimiliano 16 Settembre 2020, 19:44

      Eh sì, in quanto a carattere il ragazzo è stato messo al livelli di Pettinelli e Lamaro, non male!!!

  3. Winchester 16 Settembre 2020, 20:48

    Complimenti a tutti!

    Mi sento di cantare (virtualmente) questa canzone come loro portafortuna:

    Come with me for fun in my buggy
    Come along let’s go for the hell of it
    See the faces round they’re all looking
    Wonder if they’d like to come for a ride.
    I’ll bet you anything now she’s with me
    There’ll be no trouble
    troubles around
    Bet you’ll never ever get away
    Never ever get away
    dune buggy.
    See the world spin round in dune buggy
    String along let’s scram far out off the ground
    Never felt so good she’s a beauty
    Bet she’s a sight for your poor old eyes.
    I’ll bet you anything
    boys on their bikes
    Will have some trouble
    following us
    Bet they never ever catch us up
    Never ever catch us up dune buggy.
    I feel Iike a king in my buggy
    Just the crown is missin’ but that’s alright
    Come on people
    come on my buggy
    come and feel
    The power of a starry night.
    I’ll bet you anything now she’s with me
    I feel like a king
    I feel like a king in my buggy…

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